Follow through, Make our dreams come true, Don't give up the fight, You will be allright, Cause there's no one like you In the universe

Invincible by MUSE

About Me

I am a Floridian. Florida is the state in which I grew up in and it has molded me into the person that I am today. Miami offers an abundance of culture and arts, and one cannot help but embrace all of it. There are countless of things to do, such as, nightclubs, art museums, fishing, amusement parks and of course, beaches. Life is extremely fast-paced and fun where I’m from!
Crazy Cat Lady! Yes, that’s what I am. Cats are the most beautiful and witty creatures created either by a god or aliens. Kitties bring me joy and peace, especially when life gets hard. If it were allowed, I would carry kittens in a fanny pack to class and give them treats.
Fine Arts Major. I love drawing and photography. I have a hard time staying focused, but drawing and photography keep me in a state of undivided attention. One of my biggest inspirations is my twin brother, he is an excellent artist, and I hope to one day be at his level of expertise and make him proud.

“I want the viewer to feel their inner selves. I want the artwork to be a means for them to remember blissful memories, which are usually shrouded by busy lifestyles. I want the artwork to be a means to feel life.”

Michael Vincent Manalo

What Digital Media Means to Me

Digital Media is a significant means to conceptual photography. It allows the photographer/artist to manipulate and alter an image to create a feeling, a setting and a story. I’ve always thought of a photograph as a small movie, after all, that is how films are created. Every single picture captured should have a meaning, a story behind it. This is not to say that we, as artists, cannot produce the same effect without digital media, but, it would be a lot more difficult and we would be a lot more limited to what we can do. Nothing is accidental when we utilize this very vital tool called digital media, there are no boundaries and that is the exciting part!

Ideas / Terms associtated with digital media

Virtual Reality

Fiction we can possibly relate to.


The art piece is loud and screams emotion.


Appreciating the beauty, while knowing that nothing was accidental.

Artisitic Sense

Being creative, but with a certain purpose.

Artist Visualization

An important role to start creating, allowing the imagination to flow, believing in the final work.


Your creation slowly growing into what you expected.

Project 2: Sites RGV

Moving to The Valley from Florida has been a great adjustment, both psychologically and emotionally. It has been a rollercoaster and these images represents the culture shock and loneliness that I sometimes experience. However, I feel the change within me, I have gauged my focus into my artistic abilities and it has helped me keep my sanity. These images are dark and eerie, but also have some color to portray the optimism I hold onto.

Project 3: The Birds of Calle 10

The birds meet on the power lines of this street every evening. It usually starts with a small crowd until eventually, all the lines become full of all these birds, and the sound they make can almost cancel out the sound of the cars driving by.

Sweded Video Project 4

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Inspirational Sites

  • Lorem Ipsum
  • Dolor Sit Amet
  • Consectetur
  • Adipiscing Elit

Resource Sites

  • Lorem Ipsum
  • Dolor Sit Amet
  • Consectetur
  • Adipiscing Elit

Copyright © Salma 2017